


NEWS This is not a book of photos, it’s sensitivity, serenity, observation, patience, just art.

Available 2016

ZÜRICH Poetische Fotografie von Manuel Giron

Softcover 44 pages, 39 photos, 20x15 cm

Limited Edition

CHF 45.00 | EUR 45.00 (plus shipping)

New short stories book by Manuel Giron

»GODS DIE TOO« (Auch Götter sterben) (Los dioses también mueren)

Available from July 2016

Verfügbar ab Juli 2016

Disponible a partir de julio 2016

LONDON, an inspiration

Fine Art Photography by Manuel Giron

Softcover 44 pages, 39 photos, 20x15 cm

Limited Edition

CHF 45.00 | EUR 45.00 (plus shipping)


Novela de Manuel Giron ambientada en París.

Available from 2017

Verfügbar ab 2017

Disponible a partir de 2017

The Instants of the Big Orbe 

The global nature of Manuel Giron’s artistic creation, allows us to access the various special-architectural and historic universes worldwide. It also allows us to perceive from his own point of view, the complex interactions between the environment and city contexts, the socio-economic and cultural clusters, and the urban and hyper-urban settlements. Through the sensitivity of his lenses, the photographs in this collection, develop a phenomenological acuity and a unique aesthetic and artistic embodied in its images.

These images capture through various creative ways, the optical diversity, the unique perspectives and the shades of special colours formed by adjacent and intertwined spaces, which are composed of lights and shadows, shapes and structures, horizontality and verticality, beauty and ugliness and functionality and trivia purposes. It is an important and significant example in time, of the civilizing process and the development of a vibrant and interesting world city called London. It becomes at the same time, a precious document about the existence and footprint of humankind on the planet.

Mario S. de Leon


ConceptSur London


Poetische Fotografie von Manuel Giron

Die Schönheit ist überall und Zürich bietet eine hervorragende Kulisse, um das Zusammenspiel von Licht und Kontrast effektvoll in Szene zu setzen.

Das fotografische Auge von Manuel Giron zeigt uns exklusive Fotos von Zürich mit Wasserspiegelungen und Übergängen zwischen Tag und Nacht, eine visuelle Poesie in der wichtigsten Stadt der Schweiz.

Manuel Giron ist Autor und Künstler und fasziniert von moderner Architektur und urbanen Landschaften, von Städten wie Tokio, Paris, London, Zürich, Stockholm, Genf, Barcelona, Kopenhagen, Rom, St. Gallen, München,  Marseille und Kyoto. Seine Bücher und Musik sind auf iTunes und Amazon erhältlich.